XSwap Tokenomics

XSwap is the first Cross-Chain Swaps Protocol powered by Chainlink CCIP.

Token Info

  • Ticker: $XSWAP

  • Total Supply: 350,000,000

  • Token Address: 0x8fe815417913a93ea99049fc0718ee1647a2a07c

Token Allocations

5%- Private (TGE: 15%, Cliff: 1 month, Vesting: 16 months) 8%- Public: - IDO (TGE: 50%, Vesting: 1 month) - LBP Launch (TGE: 100%) 20%- Ecosystem ( TGE: 0%, Vesting: 24 months) 23%- Operational (TGE: 0%, Vesting: 18 months) 12,5%- Marketing (TGE: 5%, Vesting: 18 months) 9,5%- Advisors (TGE: 0%, Cliff: 6 months, Vesting: 18 months) 5%- Liquidity (TGE: 100%) 2%- Airdrop (TGE: 50%, Vesting: 1 month) 15%- Team (TGE: 0%, Cliff: 6 months, Vesting: 18 months)

Token Utility


Staking in XSwap involves active users of the platform holding their XSwap tokens to earn rewards in the form of additional XSwap tokens.


XSwap intends to purchase its own tokens on the secondary market and then burns them, reducing the overall token supply. This strategy aims to control inflation and increase the value of tokens held by investors.

DEX Tax:

0% Buy, 2% sell. All tokens collected through tax are automatically burned, introducing further deflationary pressures

$XSWAP Chart: https://www.dextools.io/app/en/base/pair-explorer/0x7101fa70e5d071004ad5a7000dc46ff8a8c24199

Last updated