
$XSWAP Staking

Introducing $XSWAP staking – your opportunity to secure maximized returns and a powerful edge on the cross-chain market. This program is designed for those wanting to not just participate, but drive the growth of our XSwap ecosystem.

Blockchain: BASE


$XSWAP Staking comes with multiple utilities and perks:

•Cashback Rewards: Stakers receive a portion of the transaction volume as cashback, boosting participation and engagement within the XSwap ecosystem. •Reduced Transaction Fees: Exclusive access to lower transaction fees makes staking attractive for frequent traders, helping optimize costs. •Airdrops from Ecosystem Projects: By staking $XSWAP, users may become eligible for potential airdrops of tokens from affiliated projects. •Buyback and Burn: A part of the platform’s revenue and tax fees are used to buy back and burn $XSWAP tokens, reducing supply and potentially driving up the token's value, indirectly benefiting stakers.

Staking Pools

How does it work?

Depending on your preferences and strategy, you can choose to stake your tokens in one of 3 available staking pools.

•Intergalactic Command

-Multiplier to XPower: 7X -Unbonding Time: 90 days -Compounding APY: 10%

•Solar Division

-Multiplier to XPower: 3X -Unbonding Time: 50 days -CompoundingAPY: 6%

•Cosmic Cadets

-Multiplier to XPower: 1X -Unbonding Time: 15 days -Compounding APY: 3%

Stakers can withdraw their tokens before the unbonding period ends by paying an early withdrawal fee.

What is XPower?

XPower is a point system that gives you the ability to go up in staking Tiers and gain additional bonuses. The more XPower you have, the more you benefit. How is your XPower counted?

XPower = Number of Tokens x Multiplier Example: You want to stake 1000 $XSWAP tokens in the “Intergalactic Command” pool with a 7X multiplier. Your XPower will be equal to 7000 (1000 x 7 = 7000).

There are 4 $XSWAP staking tiers: Each tier is designed to maximize your returns and enhance your participation in our community. Choose the tier that best suits your investment strategy and reap a host of benefits:

Tier 4 - Recruit (>0 XPower)

  • Earn bonus XSwap tokens proportional to the amount you stake.

Tier 3 - Sergeant (>15000 XPower)

  • Earn bonus XSwap tokens proportional to your staked amount.

  • Benefit from a 15% reduction in slippage fees, lowering your transaction costs

Tier 2 - Officer (>75000 XPower tokens)

  • Gain bonus XSwap tokens proportional to the stake amount.

  • Get a significant 20% reduction in slippage fees, reducing your costs

  • Cashback: receive 0.05% of your transaction volume back in USDC.

  • Zero native fees

  • Chances to receive airdrops, providing substantial value and engagement

Tier 1 - Admiral (>150000 XPower & only top 100)

  • Gain bonus XSwap tokens proportional to the stake amount.

  • Get a significant 25% reduction in slippage fees, reducing your costs

  • Cashback: receive 0.1% of your transaction volume back in USDC

  • Zero native fees

  • Guaranteed participation in airdrops of our various ecosystem projects, offering you exclusive access to new opportunities.

Each tier is tailored to adapt to varying levels of investment, making sure that every member of our community can find a fit that suits their crypto strategy.

As you climb the tiers, the benefits amplify, rewarding your commitment and contribution to the XSwap ecosystem. Start staking today and unlock the full potential of your assets!

Last updated